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How Much Time does it Take to Study for the LSAT?

Everyone is different, so in order to determine the length of time you need, you need to take some preliminary steps.
First know: You must defeat the LSAT. Why? So that you can stand out in a tight marketplace of employers looking for top candidates…those from respectable schools. The LSAT is tremendously important to your plans for law school because law schools must show that their students have high LSAT scores, which is one measurement of the quality of their school. Some law schools slash tuition massively, and offer generous stipends/perks, just to draw in students with high LSAT scores.

The tight employment numbers, now more than ever, require that you need a stellar LSAT score. How can you do this? With careful advance planning. We’ll begin with some preliminary steps:

Determine Your LSAT Goal

Why Aim for Top LSAT Score?

You need to know your goal, or you likely won’t hit your target.This link from LSAC will help you find out where you should be scoring on the LSAT.

It has been highly publicized that admissions standards to get into law school have dropped, but Law schools are still demanding good LSAT scores. To see the 2013 median scores of the top 55 law schools click here . It’s a tough balancing act for law schools who are attempting to keep their classes filled while remaining well ranked by the US News yearly law school rankings. This is one reason that receiving a good LSAT score continues to be important.

Your LSAT score can compensate for an “Only Fair” GPA

The two most important ingredients to your law school admissions are your LSAT score and your GPA. Your LSAT score will be equally, if not more, important all of your undergraduate studies. Don’t despair, don’t be intimidated. Mastering the LSAT is achievable if you determine to diligently work hard, plan and focus to achieve your LSAT score goals.

Analyze You

What is the proper amount of prep time for you?

  1. First, take an old actual LSAT, under true timed conditions.
    This is the only way to correctly assess your current preparedness level. (Don’t despair if this first test is abysmal. The LSAT can be mastered, but you haven’t learned the techniques yet.)
  2. Assess Your Situation
    Treat the LSAT with the respect it deserves by scheduling dedicated study for an appropriate length of time for you. Don’t skimp on the time involved for proper prep. Frustration, stress or perhaps eventual failure, are possible outcomes of cutting your LSAT prep time short.There isn’t a perfect answer to how much time it will take each individual to study for the LSAT. Some estimates give an average for most people is at least three months. Know the average prep time and then consider the following:• The School & LSAT Target score you require
    • Your hours at your paying job or school/study
    • Family obligations
    • Your ability to focus on study for hours at a time.
    • Do you normally perform well on standardized tests?
  3. Asses and Make a Study Schedule
    With the above items defined, map out a daily, weekly and monthly schedule to see how much time you have to work with. Create a dedicated study schedule. Is there enough time in your schedule to complete your prep before one of the LSAT test administrations? If not, knowing that most people require time to master the LSAT…perhaps a considerable amount of time.Include time to repeatedly assess your readiness by taking full length LSATs, understand your strengths and weaknesses and track your progress.
    Learning techniques that enable you to tackle problems quickly and accurately is key to mastering the LSAT. The next requirement is practice, practice, practice, the techniques until they are automatic. This will take some time.Remain focused. Keep within your mind the high score goal you have set and the future email you will receive from LSAT showing your targeted, high LSAT score. Steadily, consistently and determinedly work your prep time into your daily schedule.

Realistically Set your LSAT Administration Date

Avoid the temptation to rush your LSAT test date in order to have your application process finished for the following fall class. If your schedule will not permit you to properly prepare, to do your best, acquire the score you need, consider putting off law school for a year.

Coming next, considerations for what is the best LSAT Prep option for You. Get Prepped LSAT Prep offers a wide variety of prep solutions. Give us a call to discuss your unique situation.

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