Get Prepped: For Law School Stress
It’s hard enough to manage all those responsibilities and getting all that LSAT Prep in, to top your best score and get into your dream school; it almost seems hard to rationalize all that hard work, because the workload in Law School is so intensive. Dealing with the anxiety and pressure from school is enough to make even the most prepared and well tooled students question their endeavor. Whether you are still getting ready for the LSAT, or have already passed it with your best score, these tips can put you on the right path for a more manageable school experience. Don’t let the stress and work load control you and take a toll on your mind; just use the following ideas.
College can be tough enough after high school, but whether you are the second year university student proactively preparing for the LSAT, or the one who just got accepted to a top ten Law program across the country from your hometown; at this stage in your life, the homework, expectations and exams are not going to get any easier. It truly is a test of your mettle to make it through a respectable program: that’s why they are respectable, because not just anyone can hack it.
Factor in the stresses of the daily social and normal living expectations and your schedule gets filled up faster than ever before; your time and energy is about to be sapped.
Law School Stress Management
In law school, or while you build your credentials for the applications you’ll be filling out to get in, you can’t exactly skip class or choose not to turn in an assignment. You’ve got to be at the top of your game, but how can you balance both?
Time management and organization
Get a calendar for your smartphone, an organizer or even just a folded up piece of paper from your legal pad: something to keep your priorities in front of your face. Make sure you have a central repository to reconcile the entire schedule of all your classes and workload. Set aside personal time and time for focused goal attainment. With a set amount of time per day or per week, you won’t feel overwhelmed, but you will be able to get most of your tasks done, way ahead of schedule.
Use responsible choices to help you achieve your results
Eat well, on a semi regular schedule and incorporate foods you know you do well with. It might seem like a good idea to just order the gut bomb after that long night of group study, but chances are you won’t sleep as well or feel like you want to afterwards. Do what you can to get adequate sleep (think: 6-8 hours a night) and definitely use the gym or strap on the running shoes to blow off all the excess steam you’ve been building up for the past couple of days. Try out a new sport to keep it fresh, and definitely don’t hesitate to try out the rock wall at the sports complex while that pretty girl from your Constitutional Law class is there.
Be realistic
Sure, it’s important to have a great resume to get into your dream school, but don’t overdo it. Added responsibility can be more crippling than it is enabling if it isn’t pursued responsibly. Failure is the only litmus test for success, so don’t be too hard on yourself when you can’t quite meet the expectations you put on yourself. The more you try to do the more often you’ll be successful and unsuccessful. Law schools are looking for those people that can correct well, not those that are artificially perfect. The same goes for great law firms. Set realistic goals and strike a good balance of responsibilities: then you’ll be in a great position to gain from the organic growth and experience those firms and admissions boards are really looking for. Law school stress can actually help temper you for a long successful career as an attorney.
Find a good outlet for when things DO happen
It’s inevitable: there will be some stress. Find a good way to handle those moments. Yoga, racquetball, meditation or a good fiction novel might be just the ticket. Try some deep breathing exercises or a bio-feedback regimen, but whatever you do, find something that will help you remain calm and get focused so you can deal with the issues that come up naturally.
Don’t be afraid to deal with stress the right way if it becomes overwhelming.
There are vast resources at college, whether it is a dedicated top law school, or a local college in preparation for law school. Health professionals either at the school or outside of it; counselors and professors can all lend a hand in helping you cope if things get a bit too heavy. Everyone wants to see you succeed; don’t be afraid to communicate if you need a hand managing law school stress.
If you need some help getting into law school have a look at our LSAT Prep offerings; if you are already in law school you can expect quite a few posts dedicated to the law school culture and getting through school.
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