What is the LSAT out of?
What is the LSAT out of? Simple question, and the short answer is, the LSAT is out of 180. But that really doesn’t tell you what you want, and need, to know, which is: what law schools can I get into?
So let’s do ...
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LSAT time study management
For the LSAT time is of the essence. First of all, don't be a last minute preparer. Plan when you are taking the LSAT... The June exam is great as it allows you plenty of time to prepare your applications. It also allows you time to re-take ...
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The truth behind the ‘drop’ in LSAT test takers and law school admissions
The cliff-notes version: ‘It’s the economy, stupid.’
The long-winded version:
For many months I have been reading articles tolling the death knell for LSAT takers and, by extension, law schools admissions, the existence of law schools themselves, and even the entire ...
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Reschedule LSAT date
Something came up, now you need to reschedule your LSAT date. Hey, stuff happens.
Before we go too far into this post, this would be a good time to cite the standard disclaimer.
The standard disclaimer for all LSAC rules and regulations: LSAC changes some rules every year. ...
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Checklist to determine if you should cancel your February LSAT score
I'm sure that you are probably freaking out right now (after all, no one researches this question just for fun, unless they are nuts.)
First, let's make sure you are nice and calm and ready to make a rational decision. ...
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Checklist to determine if you should cancel your June LSAT score
I'm sure that you are probably freaking out right now (after all, no one researches this question just for fun and wastes a nice summer day)
First, calm down, take a nice deep breath, put things in perspective, and make a ...
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Checklist to determine if you should cancel your LSAT score
You are probably freaking out right now (after all, no one researches this question just for fun.)
So first, let's all take a deep breath, put things in perspective, and make a sound decision based on the following considerations.
As a preliminary matter, ...
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Info to cancel LSAT score
Okay, you've decided to cancel your LSAT score. You've read the previous post "Should I cancel my LSAT Score" and decided to go forward with this, so now what do you need to do?
Fortuntely, it is pretty easy to cancel an LSAT score, but it needs ...
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Median LSAT Score
What is the Median LSAT Score…?
You could finish that question with any school, and probably come up with a relatively predictable LSAT score for admittance to that school based on which tier of ranking the school enjoys.
But what is a Median LSAT score from a general perspective? The ...
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Letters of Recommendation for Law School
Letters of Recommendation for law school admission are an important factor for getting the school you want and setting the stage for your future at that school.
What can you do to emphasize the best of the letter of recommendation process and get the highest quality ...
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