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Sept. 27 LSAT 6 Weeks Away!

Six Weeks to Sept. 27 LSAT

WHAT TO DO NOW (or Yesterday)

If you’ve not started your prep for the LSAT it’s time to work out a schedule and stick to it. Six weeks is a little shorter than normally suggested, but you can do it if you will devote good quality time each week towards your LSAT goal. If you can devote 15 to 20 hours a week towards LSAT prep, great! But, be realistic…If you have a full time job or are a student, you aren’t going to be able to spend all of your waking hours doing logic games or logical reasoning, but if you plan now you still have time to get in some quality prep time.

First, analyze where you stand

  • How much prep have you done and do you know how many points you need to gain before December 7?
  • Have you been taking full-length practice exams?
  • Do you know which schools you want to apply to and the scores they require for admission?
  • Know the application deadlines and what schools you hope to attend…Personal Statement preparation and letters of recommendation.

Knowing the answers to the above questions will help you make realistic decisions and help you stay focused on your Law School goals.

Week One — What to do NOW:

  1. Register to take the LSAT. See LSAC for their rules and deadlines.
  2. You’ll need practice tests! Please use only actual, previously administered LSATs
  3. Have you taken a real LSAT under real test-taking conditions? If not, that should be high priority. Take all five 35-minute sections, with one break between sections three and four. You must become familiar with the LSAT format and content, and have a realistic baseline score so that you can measure your progress. This WILL encourage you as you work through your LSAT Prep. (Please do not panic / throw in the towel if it is more difficult than you had imagined. Know that this test can be mastered and that your score will steadily increase as you apply yourself to your prep plan.
  4. Create a document or spreadsheet to chart your progress. It should contain every question you miss on a practice test. You will thoroughly review each test and enter mistakes in the document. You will identify what question type it was and you will briefly explain why you chose the incorrect answer. This document will become a very effective way for you to gauge your progress and will also help you identify areas of weakness and, therefore, areas on which to focus your prep.
  5. Know yourself! Are you able to self-prep, or do you require a study leader? Do you normally do well with standardized tests? The answers to this question will avoid undue stress and last-minute panic decisions. Perhaps you should consider enrolling in any one of a variety of course options that Get Prepped offers… Tutoring or Video courses are a great way to guide you through your prep decisions.


Throughout the following weeks:

  1. Remember to pace yourself and consistently study at the times you set aside to do this.
  2. Regardless of whether you take a course, or self-prep, you must not neglect to take full-length, timed practice tests and chart your progress. This has to be a regular event throughout the weeks leading up to September 27. You must condition your mind and body to be well-prepared.
  3. PS: Don’t forget the exercise and eating well. Decide now to avoid late evenings of cramming… You should enter your test day well rested, confident and prepared!

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