If you are reading this post, you already know that you need to learn to properly pace yourself while taking the LSAT. An LSAT watch or timer or a standard wristwatch is necessary so that you pace yourself properly on test day to keep you from wasting time or losing focus.
What does LSAC allow in a LSAT Watch?
LSAC has restrictions as to what is allowed into the test center and even what is allowed on your testing desktop during the exam: (
LSAC Says regarding LSAT Watches and Timers:
Test takers may bring into the test room: an analog (nondigital) wristwatch
Items allowed on the desktop: analog (nondigital) wristwatch. No electronic devices are permitted. Neither are timers of any kind except analog wristwatches.
Items prohibited at the test center: electronic timers of any kind, digital watches, alarm watches, beeping watches, calculator watches
Why does LSAC make this restriction? Who really knows…
What is analog? Pretty simple. It just means that your watch can’t display the time with numbers like “12:02” but has to use two or three pointers (hands). This restriction doesn’t have to do with technology…they’d have to take the watch apart to figure that out.
This restriction means that you must find an analog watch or go without. You should already be pacing, timing yourself, during your LSAT Prep to become accustomed to working quickly and accurately. It is wise if the method you are using is the same method you use on test day so make your decision and selection. Purchase it early enough that you have ample time to practice with it.
Prep how you will test! If you decide to use a standard wrist watch you must reset your watch before each section or do the math to know how much time you have left in a section. Whichever way works for you is fine, but practice it! You do not want to forget to adjust a watch on test day!
LSAT Watch – LSAT Timer
Some of the following LSAT specific timer/watches are truly watches and some are manufactured as a wrist watch style, analog-style, countdown device… You can wear them on your wrist, and they account for time… so — wristwatch! The argument made by the manufacturers is that they do not include any advanced functions (such as – automatic reset buttons) that would qualify them to be a timer instead of a watch.
A few links for your consideration — We make no recommendations.
This SPORTS WATCH,, has a rotating bezel (the bezel is the thing with the markings that go around the watch face.) You turn the “0” part of the bezel to wherever the minute hand is. When the minute hand hits 30 on the bezel, you have 5 minutes left.
180 WATCH —
Tags: LSAT Timer, LSAT Watch, test day