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LSAT Writing Sample


Although some standardized tests have graded writing samples, the LSAT does not.  This is good news for you, because you already have enough to worry about on the LSAT.  With that in mind, here are some pointers on the writing sample.

The LSAT writing sample is 30-minutes, handwritten and ungraded. It will be written on a predetermined topic. (See an example at ) You will be required to either present an argument supporting one of two positions or to analyze an argument provided.

The writing sample will be submitted to all law schools to which you apply. What importance it has within the admissions review process is difficult to know with exact certainty, unlike an LSAT score. Each law school determines its role in the application. LSAC sends a copy of the applicant’s writing sample to law schools along with the LSAT score report. If you have taken the LSAT more than once, the three most recent writing samples will be sent to law schools.

The writing sample on the LSAT is used to see if you can present understandable, coherent analysis of a specific factual situation. You must stay on topic, and you have about 30 lines to present an argument in favor of, or against, a situation based on information that will be provided. You should try to come up with original thoughts about what you read and the choices given and summarize your thoughts within the 30 minutes. Scratch paper is provided for determining your outline, and the writing sample will be handwritten using just the the two pages of paper provided.

Why you should not to spend too much time studying for the LSAT writing sample

  • There is no way to study for a random topic
  • Remember, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer
  • Remember, it is unlikely that your essay will either push you over the top for a law school acceptance, nor will it ever be more then a very minor factor in causing your application to be turned down…More likelyt than not, it will never even be read!
  • Last, but certainly not least — Do not sacrifice study time on the other sections to prepare for the LSAT writing sample!  A single extra point on the LSAT has a large, and easily qauntifiable and identifiable effect on your chances of getting into a law school.  The same is not true for an excellent writing sample.


Okay, you can do a little prep for the LSAT Writing Sample

If you are going to worry because, you reason afterall, that this is a part of the test and the admissions people just might read it…then put your mind at ease and spend a little time preparing. Here are some tips:

  • Pay attention to what you have learned about essay writing in your undergraduate years. Create a defined introduction and conclusion paragraph (which can be a single sentence) and stress your main points with a few paragraphs.
  • Make short and concise points…do not be wordy.
  • Do use big, pretentious words when appropriate if you can do so to good effect.  Otherwise, keep the writing terse and direct.
  • Summarize the points that are given and create logical and coherent arguments.
  • Fill up the space provided. Do not leave a lot of empty lines to catch the admissions reviewers attention and keep them from reading other parts of your application.


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