Your opportunity: Follow us and win $250.
Our problem: The test-prep-omni-mega-corporations can spend more on coffee then we do on marketing; we need your help to get the word out and end their reign of marginal-quality LSAT prep terror.
The details: Each like, follow, or any other kind of link enters you in the prize drawing. If you’re a GP student (past, present, or future) win a $250 rebate, otherwise win $50 of the always-popular cash-money.
The fine print: Every month we’ll print the out list of all the current likers/followers/linkers and chuck a dart to pick the winners. The more you like/follow/link, the better your odds of winning.
So get to it all you facebookers, twitterers, google+ers, youtubers [great name for a new type of potato, btw], bloggers, and others.
Here’s some links to get you clicking, but don’t limit yourself. Go ahead, use that myspace account you haven’t logged into since 2008.
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