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LSAT overview

The LSAT is one of the most difficult standardized entrance exams. Unlike some standardized tests, the LSAT does not test your knowledge of facts or information. Instead, it tests your ability to perform specific intellectual tasks. Learn how to perform these tasks and you learn how to master the LSAT.

Three Question Types on the LSAT:

  • Analytical Reasoning Diagramming Games
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Argument Passages
  • Reading Comprehension Passages.

LSAT Analytical Reasoning Diagramming Games –

The ‘puzzle games’ are the hardest part of the LSAT. In this section you are asked to perform apparently silly tasks, like “Line up seven beads on a string.” You must practice many of these questions before you will become comfortable with the games. There are four major strategies for doing well on the games.

  1. First, know the 8 types of diagrams and how frequently they appear. Four of the diagram types are almost never tested while the other four types are always tested.
  2. Second, know how to use the diagram templates and the appropriate diagramming symbols.
  3. Third, know how to make additional conclusions about the diagram using the facts already provided.
  4. Fourth, know how to use elimination techniques to reduce the number of potential answer choice, before you begin diagramming. The most important elimination technique is to eliminate answer choices that contain one element that contradicts the facts of the question.

LSAT Logical Reasoning Argument Passages –

These count for half your LSAT score, so it is a vital part of your LSAT strategy. In logical reasoning questions, you do lawyerly things like “weaken an argument” and “identify an assumption.” There are three strategies for this section:

  1. First, there are only 10 types of Logical Reasoning questions. Similar to Analytical Reasoning, some of the question types are tested more often than others. For example, the “make a conclusion” question type is tested more than 20% of the time, while the “identify the point at issue” question type is only tested 2% of the time.
  2. Second, learn the techniques for answering each question type. For example, with questions that ask you to “identify the flaw in the reasoning” there are 4 common logical flaws to watch for.
  3. Third, know how to use elimination techniques. The major elimination techniques for this section include choices that are too similar, choices that are off the subject, and choices that use overly definitive adjectives.

LSAT Reading Comprehension –

This section tests your ability to read a long, complex passage and answer questions based on the passage. Like the other two sections, there are just a handful of question types. Test takers use a wide variety of strategies in this section. Some take extensive notes, while others employ speed-reading. Some test takers do not attempt to answer all four passages. Some preview the questions before starting the passage. The strategies you should use will depend on your natural reading speed and skill.

More strategies and information:

Eliminating the wrong answer choices – In all three sections of the test it is vital to efficiently eliminate wrong answer choices. Learn to identify the common mistakes made in the answer choices. By eliminating wrong answer choices quickly, you simplify the task of choosing the correct answer. There are several common answer choice mistakes, including: choices that are too similar, choices that are off the subject, choices that contradict the facts, and choices that use overly definitive adjectives.

Preparing for the LSAT – There are no short cuts to prepare for the LSAT. Whether you use self-study books, intensive review courses, multiple-week courses, or tutoring, expect to spend many, many hours preparing. Why all the hard work? For every three people that take the LSAT there is only one first-year spot. The level of competition is so intense that those who do not prepare will score poorly.

The important role the LSAT plays in law school admissions – Law schools rely heavily on a mathematical formula to make admissions decisions. This formula combines your undergraduate GPA and your LSAT score in roughly equal proportions. The result is that a strong LSAT score can make up for a weak GPA, and vice versa. Since your LSAT score counts as much as your GPA, any preparation you do for the LSAT is time well spent.


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